Production Update
/It’s looking like we’re just a couple weeks from shipping now! The above video is a quick look at our first run of DATA modules being produced at WMD's facility in Denver, Colorado.
Yes, WMD manufacturing, in the state of Colorado. We had a slight setback in June when we surprisingly had to switch manufacturers, but now production is in full swing. Last week William at WMD overnighted us a test run of populated DATA circuit boards for approval. We completed assembly on those units and everything checked out great. We should have the full run of populated boards back here in the next week.
Also, we’ve been working on the CNC machine, fabricating the run’s worth of display windows and screen mounting brackets. Those wrapped up last week, so we’ll be able to hit the ground running once the SMT populated boards arrive. We’ll be doing the final assembly, QA, and boxing here at Mordax HQ and then we can ship these DATAs out!
Lastly, we’ve been getting a lot of inquires regarding the next production run of DATAs. Very soon after we’re shipping the first run we will be opening up orders for the second run. When orders open for the second run we will be sending out notification to the Mordax email list members. Sign up for the email newsletter if you haven’t already and you’ll be the first to know when we’re taking orders for the next batch of DATAs.