DATA 2nd RUN OPEN NOW & Support Information


DATA 2nd RUN - Now Taking Orders

Now that the DATA’s 1st run is shipping (thank you so much for waiting 1st run friends!) and the feedback has been good, we are now ready to open ordering for the 2nd run of the DATA.

We’ll be starting the 2nd run process immediately, as there’s significant lead times for various elements of production. Our target for shipping the 2nd run units is February 2017. While our 1st run took about 6 months longer than expected, the 2nd run will be much a smoother process. We're going into the 2nd run knowing what to expect, we now have our design perfected, our supply chain worked out, and our production methods proven.

Also, a note to retailers: As planned, the 2nd run will include some retail orders. We will be sending out our wholesale ordering information to our list of interested retailers in the next few weeks. So if you’re a shop owner, hang tight for a little bit longer, we’ll be in touch shortly. 


DATA User Support Information

We’re almost done with the initial draft of the DATA’s User Guide, should have it out next week. We started out writing a “Quick Start Guide” and soon realized that is a ridiculous idea for a module as deep as the DATA; it has now morphed into a full manual. Once the User Guide is up on the site, we’ll be starting on a series of video tutorials, to be posted on our YouTube channel. 

In the meantime, our initial launch DATA introduction video on our YouTube channel is still fairly relevant, as many of the functions (e.g., the Oscilloscope) still operate in the manner covered in the video. And of course, if any DATA users ever have questions, feel free to ask us directly for assistance at: